Top 5 Frugal Living Blogs for Families


Frugal living is a lifestyle choice that emphasizes smart spending, resourcefulness, and financial responsibility. For families looking to save money and stretch their budget, frugal living blogs can be valuable resources for inspiration, ideas, and practical tips. In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 frugal living blogs for families, providing a wealth of information on budget-friendly recipes, DIY projects, money-saving strategies, and more.

1. The Simple Dollar

The Simple Dollar is a comprehensive personal finance blog that covers a wide range of topics, including frugal living, budgeting, investing, and debt management. With a focus on practical advice and actionable tips, The Simple Dollar offers valuable insights for families looking to save money and improve their financial situation. From meal planning and grocery shopping tips to DIY home improvement projects and frugal lifestyle hacks, this blog provides a wealth of resources for families seeking to live more frugally.

2. Frugalwoods

Frugalwoods is a popular blog written by a frugal couple who achieved financial independence by embracing a simple and frugal lifestyle. With a focus on mindful spending, minimalism, and self-sufficiency, Frugalwoods offers practical tips and real-life examples of frugal living in action. From frugal meal planning and gardening advice to tips for saving on utilities and transportation, this blog provides valuable insights for families looking to live more simply and save money.

3. The Penny Hoarder

The Penny Hoarder is a personal finance blog that offers practical advice and money-saving tips for readers of all ages and backgrounds. With a dedicated section on frugal living, The Penny Hoarder provides valuable resources for families looking to cut costs, save money, and achieve their financial goals. From frugal meal ideas and budget-friendly travel tips to ways to earn extra income from home, this blog offers a wealth of information to help families live more frugally and financially secure lives.

4. Money Saving Mom

Money Saving Mom is a frugal living blog that offers practical tips, money-saving strategies, and frugal lifestyle advice for families. With a focus on intentional living, smart shopping, and budget-friendly recipes, Money Saving Mom provides valuable resources for families looking to save money and live more frugally. From couponing and meal planning to DIY projects and decluttering tips, this blog offers practical advice and inspiration for families seeking to make the most of their money.

5. Living Well Spending Less

Living Well Spending Less is a lifestyle blog that covers a variety of topics, including frugal living, organization, time management, and goal setting. With a focus on living intentionally and finding balance in life, Living Well Spending Less offers practical tips and actionable advice for families looking to simplify their lives and save money. From frugal meal planning and budget-friendly home decor ideas to tips for decluttering and simplifying your schedule, this blog provides valuable insights for families seeking to live more frugally and purposefully.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How can families benefit from reading frugal living blogs?
Families can benefit from reading frugal living blogs by gaining practical tips, money-saving strategies, and inspiration for living more frugally and efficiently. Frugal living blogs offer valuable resources for families seeking to save money, reduce expenses, and improve their financial well-being without sacrificing quality of life or happiness.

Are the tips and advice on frugal living blogs applicable to families of all sizes and income levels?
Yes, the tips and advice on frugal living blogs are generally applicable to families of all sizes and income levels. While specific strategies may vary depending on individual circumstances and preferences, the principles of frugal living—such as smart spending, resourcefulness, and budgeting—are universal and can be adapted to suit different family dynamics and financial situations.

How can families incorporate frugal living principles into their daily lives? Families can incorporate frugal living principles into their daily lives by adopting habits such as meal planning, budgeting, DIY projects, and mindful spending. By making conscious choices about how they use their time and money, families can save money, reduce waste, and live more intentionally.

Are there any risks associated with adopting a frugal lifestyle?
While adopting a frugal lifestyle can lead to significant financial benefits, there are also risks to consider, such as sacrificing quality of life, social isolation, and burnout. It’s essential for families to strike a balance between frugality and enjoyment, focusing on saving money where it makes sense while still prioritizing their well-being and happiness.

How can families stay motivated to stick to their frugal living goals?
Staying motivated to stick to frugal living goals can be challenging, but families can stay on track by setting realistic goals, tracking their progress, and celebrating small victories along the way. Additionally, finding support from like-minded individuals, whether through online communities or local frugal living groups, can provide encouragement and accountability.


Frugal living blogs offer valuable resources and inspiration for families looking to save money, stretch their budget, and achieve their financial goals. By exploring the top 5 frugal living blogs for families—The Simple Dollar, Frugalwoods, The Penny Hoarder, Money Saving Mom, and Living Well Spending Less—families can gain practical tips, money-saving strategies, and actionable advice for living more frugally and intentionally.

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